Monday, April 29, 2013

Weird development

I am not sure what to think.  My husband thinks I jumped the gun getting Sophia tested and looked at by birth to three.  She has had a weird weekend and it is showing us she is learning...albeit a little slower.

When Sophia was 12 months old she would crawl up the stairs all by herself.  We have a large staircase so this was impressive to us seeing as she wasn't yet walking.  But after a fall, around the same time she stopped speaking, she also stopped walking up the stairs.  Today is the first time she has walked up the stairs in 4 months all by herself!

She also learned how to point to the objects she wants versus whining until we guessed the item she wanted.  This is a new development for her as she never pointed.  But now she is.  I am not sure what to think.  I am hoping she is learning new things but I fear I may have been to hasty getting her observed by birth to three?

She is also saying mama again.  My husband is taking this as a sign that she will have a huge developmental leap and will suddenly not be learning disabled. I guess I feel the same way to a point but I also know it isn't going to happen, that she really is verbally disabled and delayed.  But there is hope for her.

Until next time we celebrate the little milestones.

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